
Friday 29 May 2015

Building Lean Muscles


Muscle mass is the main goal of weightlifting and bodybuilding. Muscles not only provide strength and power, but can be a visible manifestation of health and an essential part of a well-toned physique when not obscured by a layer of fat. Thus, the challenge of gaining lean muscle mass, without fat, is of primary importance to many athletes.

Muscle is a band or bundle of tissue consisting of fibers that have the ability to contract. In addition to water, muscles mostly consist of protein, particularly actin and myosin, the interaction of which converts chemical energy into mechanical energy. Muscle gives the body movement. Muscles are divided into groups, each of which performs a specific function in the body. Skeletal muscles, which are attached to bones, are generally the most visible when not obscured by a layer of fat.
Lean Muscle Mass

Lean muscle is a concept related to lean body mass, which is the content of the body minus fat. Lean body mass is used to calculate basal metabolic rate. Lean muscle is less of a scientific term and more a term of art that refers to muscle that is independent of, and not obscured by, fat. In the context of bodybuilding, lean muscle mass is that which is gained without a corresponding addition of fat or that which remains after fat is shed. It can also be thought of as the amount of muscle on the body independent of fat, bone and other parts.

Build lean muscle

You will probably not be surprised to learn that the answer to the question "how do you build lean muscle" is proper eating and exercising!

The best overall approach involves three components:

1. Eating correctly, feeding frequency, sufficient protein
2. Strength training
3. Cardio exercise

I'll make a few suggestions about each and then suggest some free programs.

(1)     Here's how to cut through all the confusion about eating well. Eat a smaller meal about every three waking hours (5 or 6 meals per day). It's critical never to skip a meal, and to obtain sufficient proteinat each meal. 'Sufficient' means at least 15 grams of protein per feeding if you are female and 20 grams of protein per feeding if you are male. Remember to drink plenty of fresh water. I suggest 3 quarts daily and adjusting your intake from there. Your protein should come from natural sources such as meats, eggs, and fresh caught (not farmed) fish. Don't consume dairy products (many people have an intolerance without being aware of it).

Avoid or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrates (apart from the occasional treat). Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of unwanted weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases. Replace those foods with 'fat burning' foods and take advantage of the excellent fat-burning thermic effect of these foods. Eating that way will boost your metabolism. Increasing your metabolic rate is the key to achieving and sustaining a low percentage of body fat.

(2)     Proper strength training will build lean muscle, which is your METABOLIC FURNACE that will burn additional calories 24 HOURS A Day. Do a whole body routine. Concentrate on the basic, compound exercises, which are full squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, dips, and chins. Learn proper exercise technique and use it on every rep.  Remember: you do not grow in the gym. What you do in the gym should stimulate growth during the recovery period. Exercise is like medicine: too little is ineffective and too much is counter-productive. Get plenty of sleep. .

(3)     Cardio will also increase the amount of calories your body uses during and immediately after exercise. Choose some kind of mild cardio exercise that you hate the least and do it six days a week. I suggest brisk walking. Brisk walking is sustainable long term.

'Brisk' means walking at a 4 mph pace. Slowly work up to that pace and then slowly increase your distance. (Listening to an audio program while walking, can make it much more enjoyable.) If you simply want to maintain your present percentage of body fat, start by walking two miles daily. That should do it.

So, in summary, to build lean muscle you need to eat properly, engage in cardio exercise, and do strength/weight training one or two afternoons per week. You can use that program from now until your dotage. If you adopt it and make it habitual, you are going to build lean muscle. You will love the way you feel and look. (Before changing your exercise habits you may wish to get the blessing of your physician.)

All the above will enable you to build lean muscle.

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